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- Paper from the 1992 ARRL Computer Networking Conference.
- Uploaded by Andrew Funk, KB7UV
- Network Enhancements Implemented
- in the CT/NJ/NY Region
- September 1992
- Frank Warren, Jr., KB4CYC
- Andrew Funk, KB7UV
- Scott Weiss, KB2EAR
- Ad-Hoc Tri-State Managed Packet Group (@MGTBBS)
- The problems of the prolifferation of flood routings,
- widespread mesh forwarding and an ever-expanding system
- census had combined to reach a point where the PBBS
- network in the CT/NJ/NY tri-state region was in dire
- need of an overhaul. This paper details the approaches
- taken by the majority of systems in the region to
- address these problems.
- 1. Introduction
- As part of the June 1992 ARRL Hudson Division Convention, a forum
- was held for regional packet radio System Operators (sysops) and
- Network Administrators. Our aim was to begin dialog among those
- operatin g packet systems in the region, with the goal of
- improving the packet environment in the region for all concerned.
- (The systems _talked_ with each other, but not the people behind
- the systems... Until this meeting.)
- Since this June meeting, Sysops and Network Managers in the
- tri-state region have continued meeting and planing. This work
- has developed a cooperative system for the distribution of
- bulletins. The solution developed combines a consensus on which
- distribution routes will be supported, a list of suggested _To:_
- fields which users are encourged to use, cellular hub and spokes
- bulletin distribution topology, and time reserved exclusively for
- user access to PBBSs and other network services.
- 2. Forwarding 'Quiet Hours'
- The initial decision reached by the group was to prohibit
- BBS-to-BBS forwarding between 1800 and 2400 local, daily, on all
- paths which may also carry real-time user data. This provides
- users with six hours each day, during _prime time,_ when their
- enjoyment of the packet network is not impaired by contending
- with automated stations.
- 3. Hub and Spokes Forwarding Topology
- At the group's mid-July meeting, a plan to reduce bandwidth
- consumption by bulletin distribution was formulated. Bulletin
- distribution now follows a cellularized, hub/spoke or
- server/client design.
- Many of the systems in the region use a series of regional
- backbone nodes maintained as part of the Eastnet Backbone Network
- (EBN). Others are served by the ROSE X.25 Packet Network
- maintained by the Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society
- (RATS).
- Those systems using the EBN regional nodes receive their
- bulletins from a single, designated hub/server within their
- _cell._ The cells were defined based upon the existing backbone
- EBN nodes. The cells currently resolve to Connecticut, Long
- Island, New York City, Downstate New York, Northern New Jersey
- and Central New Jersey. Cell size and definitions may change,
- over time, as a function of network traffic and topology.
- The RATS ROSE Network has bi-directional connectivity with the
- two New Jersey EBN-based cells and a bi-directional feed to the
- cellularized (non-EBN) network in Southern New Jersey. Bulletin
- distribution for systems on this network also follows the
- client/server model.
- This design has freed the bandwidth previously occupied (wasted!)
- by everyone trying to forward everything to everyone else.
- In addition, this dual-network topology provides redundancy and
- robustness often lacking in Amateur Packet networks.
- 4. Supported Flood Distributions
- The following is the list of flood distributions (@-field routes)
- the region has decided to support for forwarding:
- Bulletin Flood Routes
- Route Description and Useage
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- xxBBS Distribution to areas other than a state (ARRL sections, etc.)
- xxNET State-wide routing, using 2-letter state designation xx
- AMSAT Amateur satellite (AMSAT) bulletins
- ARESCT Conecticut Amateur Radio Emergency Service bulletins
- ARL ARRL bulletins (@ARRL is not to be distributed)
- ATLDIV ARRL Atlantic Division distribution
- CTBBS Connecticut ARRL Section distribution (same as CTNET)
- CTNET State of Connecticut distribution (same as CT ARRL Section, CTBBS)
- ENYBBS ARRL ENY Section distribution
- EPABBS ARRL EPA Section distribution
- HUDSON ARRL Hudson Division distribution
- LOCAL Non-flood bulletin, for ONE LOCAL PBBS ONLY
- NASA Material for NASA sources
- NEBBS New England regional distribution (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI and VT)
- NEWHDR New Headers parsed by the N2MH program
- NJEOC NJ State Office of Emergency Management _Official_ bulletins
- NJNET NJ state distribution
- NJPSC NJ Public Service Communications (includes ARES)
- NLIBBS ARRL NLI Section distribution
- NNJBBS ARRL NNJ Section distribution
- NYNET State of New York distribution
- PANET State of Pennsylvania distribution
- SNJBBS ARRL SNJ Section distribution
- TRIBBS Tri-State (CT, NY and NJ) regional distribution
- USBBS United States distribution (replaces ALLUS, ALLUSA, USABBS, USA)
- WNYBBS ARRL WNY Section distribution
- WW World-Wide distribution (replaces ALLBBS, WWW)
- [Note: NJEOC and NJPSC were "requsted" by NJ Office of Emergency Management.]
- 5. Suggested _To:_ Fields
- The following is a list of _To:_ fields the group decided to
- distribute as a partial list of suggestions. The entries for the
- various PBBS software were originaly proposed as flood routes,
- but were recast as _To:_ values based on explicit statements and
- examples from several PBBS software authors.
- Suggested _To:_ Field Useage
- To: Useage
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ALL Should only be used if nothing else applies!
- AMSAT AMSAT-specific space/satellite information
- BEACON Beacon lists and information
- CBBS Program-related distribution: CBBS
- CLASS Amateur Radio and other class announcements
- DX DX related information and questions
- EVENT Special events, on-air or not, including hamfests
- EXAM VE Exam session announcements
- FBB Program-related distribution: FBB
- HELP Requests for help which don't fit into other categories
- ICOM Icom product-specific postings
- KEPS Keplerian elements (satellite tracking)
- KENWD Kenwwod product-specific postings
- MBLBBS Program-related distribution: MBL
- MSYS Program-related distribution: MSYS
- PRMBS Program-related distribution: ROSErver/PRMBS
- PROP Propagation reports
- QSL QSL information: routes, managers, etc.
- REBBS Program-related distribution: AA4RE
- RLIBBS Program-related distribution: RLI
- SALE Items for sale (Amateur Radio, of course!)
- SWAP Items offered for swap
- SWL Short Wave Listening
- SYSOP For System Operators (usually type _P_)
- USERS Postings for System or Network Users
- WANT Items wanted
- YAESU Yaesu product-specific postings
- 6. Conclusion
- The plan outlined above, combined with ongoing efforts in user
- education by the participating SYSOPs, has improved packet
- operation throughout this region. While not all of these steps
- may be as useful in other areas of the country, they may serve as
- a basis for development of a broad based (dare we hope world
- wide?) consensus. We also urge the adoption of dedicated user
- time, for without users our systems are not
- needed.
- 7. Contacting The Authors
- The authors of this paper, along with the sysops of all systems
- participating in the Ad_Hoc Tri_State Managed Packet Group, can
- be contacted by sending (using the _SP_ command) a single packet
- message addressed to:
- and containing as the first line of text the following:
- To: rmail@kb4cyc.nj.usa, sysop@tribbs
- This Remote MAIL message will be processed automatically at the
- KB4CYC PBBS and become a flood bulletin to all the participating
- MGTBBS systems. (See the paper, _RMAILER: A Remote Ad Hoc Mailing
- List Expander,_ elsewhere in these procedings for a complete
- explanation of Remote MAIL.)
- Alternatively, as each of the authors operates a PBBS, they may
- be reached via packet radio using the following addresses:
- kb4cyc@kb4cyc.nj.usa
- kb7uv@kb7uv.#nli.ny.usa
- kb2ear@kb2ear.nj.usa